Instagram Takeover 2021


If you've ever wondered how artists prepare for an exhibition, whether artists also work in a home office, what it's actually like in a studio, or which artists serve as inspiration, then click through. Since April 2020, we have been giving artists the floor and let them use our Instagram account. Take a look at new works, directly into the studio or be in the middle of the exhibition setup.

Past posts on Instagram

Stefan Marx

For around 20 years Stefan Marx (*1979) has been studying script: lines of songs, sayings, sentences, and quotations, which he then translates in his own script, his graphic writing, into paintings or drawings—two-dimensional surfaces. Stefan Marx is an artist and a cultural philosopher. He published artist’s books through his own publishing company, designs record covers for various labels, and exhibits his works at art book fairs and galleries. His work has been seen in many international exhibitions. His artist books were part of the exhibition Artist Books at the Kunsthalle in 2017/18. In August 2019 his drawing column appeared daily in the New York Times.

Manuel Rossner

Manuel Rossner (*1989) lives and works in Berlin. Since 2012, he has been designing digital spaces and virtual worlds in which he investigates the effects of technological developments on society and art. He builds interactive architecture with digital materials that are spatial interventions and virtual extensions. Rossner also deals with the future of exhibitions in the digital world. In 2017, he designed a digital extension for the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf and curated the VR exhibition »Unreal«, together with Alain Bieber,Tabita Rezaire and Banz & Bowinkel, among others. In 2020 he showed »Surprisingly This Rather Works«, the first solo show in KÖNIG GALERIE’s digital exhibition space, curated by Anika Meier and Johann König.

Angela Anzi

Angela Anzi (*1981 Lucerne / CH) works across the field of sculpture, sound and performance. Her work includes spacious sceneries that subvert habitual patterns of perception. The sculptural works are given a stage, develop a life of their own and reveal themselves in their sound. By means of choreographed sequences of action, Angela Anzi challenges expectations and allows things to experience shifts in meaning. 

Armin Keplinger

Armin Keplinger (*1982, Linz) is a berlin based artist with focus on digital image creation and state of art CGI techniques. In his practice, Keplinger explores the interaction between digital and physical spaces as well as the split between different stages of time. During recent years, Keplinger has focused his creative efforts on the intersection between physical and virtual space, with special emphasis on Virtual Reality. In his work, Keplinger relies on a minimalistic visual prose through artworks that constantly change forms and shapes in order to shift people’s perception. 

Serena Ferrario

Serena Ferrario's (*1986, Crema, Italy) artistic practice centres around themes of loss, memory in the context of identity and cross-cultural webs of relations. She brings these themes together in large-scale, stage-like installations consisting of drawings, sculptures and video works. Ferrario's autofictional video collages are created from an ever-changing combination of old and new archive footage that the artist has recorded on her travels to her home countries of Germany, Romania and Italy.