Thank you
The Hamburger Kunsthalle is a foundation under public law and receives institutional support from the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media.
We rely on the support of our sponsors and partners for special exhibitions and projects in the areas of conservation, art education, research and training.
Our sincere thanks to all of these supporters for their great dedication over the years.

Campe'sche Historische Kunststiftung, Dr. Heinz H. O. Schröder-Stiftung

Hildegard und Horst Röder-Stiftung, Nordwest Factoring & Service GmbH
Private persons
Else Schnabel, Christine und Heinz Lehmann, Dr. Bernhard und Liane von Schweinitz, Peter und Wendy Wesselhoeft, Dirk und Heidi Möhrle, Heribert und Lui-Ming Diehl
Cultural partners

Media partners

Cooperation partners
Barkassen-Meyer, City Management Hamburg, DEHOGA Hamburg, Die Roten Doppeldecker, Europa Passage, Flughafen Hamburg, GALERIA Mönckebergstaße, Hamburg Guide, Hard Rock Cafe Hamburg, Hauptkirche St. Michaelis, Heine/Lenz/Zizka, Kontorhausverwaltung Bach, Miniatur Wunderland, MOIA, NIVEA Haus, Projekt2508, Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien, TUI Cruises
We would also like to thank our sponsors, who wish to not be mentioned at this point.
If you would also like to support us and get involved with the Kunsthalle, we would be delighted to hear from you: Tel. +49(0)40-428131-205 or make a direct contribution with your donation.
Hamburg Commercial Bank
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